
The Church of the Holy Family.

The Church of the Holy Family Ballyconneely was built in 1863 and dedicated by Archbishop John Mc Hale. It replaced the earlier church in Derrygimbla built in 1838. The present church was renovated in 1901 and later in 1932. Church worship in the area dates back to early 600AD,

St. Cailin who was a disciple of St. Benignus 476AD who in turn was a disciple of St Patrick built a church on Chapel Island. He also established a Holy Well in Aillebrack called Tobar na Seacht Ninion (Well of the Seven Daughters) and another Holy Well at Keeraunmore.  People still go on pilgrimage to St Cailins Well on his Feast Day 13th November. Down the centuries fishermen had great devotion to this Saint and regularly prayed to him for their protection and safety at sea. Cailin later became Bishop of Fenagh

St.Flannan.—who earlier laboured in the in the islands off the Scotish coast, came to Ballyconneely in the early 600’s AD before becoming Bishop of Killaloe in 640 AD. The peninsula of  Errislannan is named after St. Flannan and there is a Holy Well  and a medieval church dedicated to him there. This was traditionally a place of Pilgrimage on the 18th December yearly.